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Sent With a Purpose


I believe on of the greatest joys we have as pastors is to watch God take His Word, through our imperfect lives and lips, to shape His people for His service.  It is even more amazing and rewarding when you watch it happen in the lives of your own children.


It was at the age of 14, on the way home from the first Men’s Conference that I had taken him to, that my son, Ryan, expressed that he had learned that “it was cool to be a godly man.” Three years later, while on a TIME mission’s trip in Argentina and Peru, God dealt with him regarding his life and missions.  While still in high school, he met Sarah, who had grown up under the ministry of both Bud & Kenny McCord, who also shares a heart for the world and they married a few years later.


It was while leading a TIME mission’s trip to London in 2005, that God began working on their hearts regarding the great need, the great opportunities, and the great potential in this world-class city.  Since that year they followed a God prescribed path to prepare themselves for the great challenges in this metropolitan area.


Their goal has always been to establish an International Church with an International Outreach and God is answering that prayer and desire of their heart.


As sending church, GLOBAL Church not only stands behind their goal, but we are committed to come along side them with visiting teams and resources to help them reach London to reach the world.



Russell Johnson


Miami, Florida